Development services system parts
Understanding the development services process as a “system” will yield opportunities for improved efficiency. The system is more than just procedures. It includes many other system “building block©” parts, such as the people side of project management, regulatory framework, information technology, physical space, and performance measurement.
Improving services requires close examination of all components that influence the system as a whole. Underlying infrastructures should be evaluated and improved, where required. Take a look at each of these infrastructure “building blocks” and ask:
- Core Business Processes: Are the steps in the development services process integrated and efficient and reflect a customer-based culture?
- People Interactions: Are communication mechanisms for staff, customers, and citizens structured to share information freely, manage projects effectively, and resolve issues or conflicts as they occur? Is staff trained to have competency in their individual roles?
- Regulatory Framework: Are the policies, codes, and support documents that drive the review and construction process understandable, objective, and reasonable?
- Technology Tools: Do the tools available to staff and customers provide for accurate and real-time information, tracking of customer projects, and assist in informed decision-making?
- Physical Space: Does the physical environment reflect a user-friendly, service-oriented approach for customers and citizens that interact with the process?
- Organizational Structure: Is the organization structured to be cost effective, provide appropriate resources to staff, measure performance and support a project management approach with accountability?